Be In Photos For Your Kids!

Myra 4 Months | San Jose and San Francisco Bay Area Documentary Baby and Family PhotographerSometimes parents ask me to only take photos of the kids during their family photo session. They tell me they feel uncomfortable in front of the camera, mostly because of their looks. Oftentimes this is the case with moms after pregnancy.Every time this happens I convince the parents to participate in the session. Why? Because I believe parents being part of the session sets a great example for their kids.Confidence, insecurities and body image start forming at a very young age and are shaped by the people that are most important to us. Kids are like sponges, absorbing every little thing around them. This is why it is crucial for parents to feel valuable, beautiful and interesting just as they are. It's not about being perfect; it's about being ok with whatever life has brought your way.In other words, seeing you comfortable in your own skin will help your kids feel secure in who they are. Honestly, allowing oneself to be real in photos should start long before becoming a parent! Selfies that have been perfected to infinity won't show what an amazing creature you were and what type of adventures you were up to before and after you had kids.  Real life images are what will have an impact on your kids, and maybe someday on your grandkids, too.Worries and complaints about how you look should not be part of your kid's childhood. Instead, concentrate on all the magical things about you, and I bet that's what your kids will see in you, too. (I am fully aware this is something I'll have to work on before I have kids.)My grandma used to conveniently hide behind someone or leave the room to fill up her coffee if there was a threat of pictures being taken; there are very few pictures of her with me and my sister. My parents were a lot better at being in pictures, though, and it's fun to see what they were like when they were younger. Who knew my dad used to walk around in flared jeans?!Having pictures of your kids will make for great memories for you, and are fun to share with your friends. Pictures that feature YOU will be truly valuable to your kids.Oh, and this is true regardless of your worry over love handles, sleep deprived eyes or a bad hair day.Plan on spending some quality time with your family, and let me capture you as you are in this very moment –it may just be the most relaxed photo session you’ve ever had.

Ruff Monday III | San Francisco Bay Area Documentary Dog Photographer


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