My 2017 in documentary newborn and family photography

Goodbye, 2017 – hello, 2018!

2017 has been intense, beautiful, scary, extraordinary, and sprinkled with furry dog cuddles. The year brought about the discovery of Whole Foods donuts, but that's neither here nor there.

This year I've been focusing more and more on what I do best, and it's been so exciting to see that the families have not only loved those "out there" pictures but added them into their photo books! That truly is the biggest confirmation that these photographs matter.

I'm so grateful to all the families that have trusted me with their memories, and I can't wait to see their kiddos again in the new year!

Just like last year, I put together this book of some favorite family and newborn photos from 2017:


Shreya's in-home newborn session


PhotobizX podcast interview after thoughts