Birth Story Of Baby Elliott | Bay Area Photographer



"At 11:45 PM on March 24th, 2016, I met the love of my life. The process to meet him was not what I had expected, but was worth every second."

Olivia went through a lot to bring baby boy Elliott into the world. She truly wanted a natural birth, but at 42 weeks and one day she was induced. The contractions at 4-5 cm were already so intense that Olivia had to request an epidural. After that she was able to relax a little, and get some sleep before she had to start pushing."My labor and delivery was extremely difficult. My birthing plan went out the window and while I was pushing for an hour and a half, I was hit with an excruciating migraine. As time went by, the doctor felt that it was best to perform an emergency c-section since I physically could not push and because Elliott was not in the correct position. When I was in surgery, I was anxious to hear his cry. Once I did, my migraine, stress and exhaustion managed to disappear. As soon as I saw his face, everything I went through was worth it."Even though Elliott's birth did not go according to Olivia's plan, he is out and he is healthy![gallery targetsize="full" captions="show" bottomspace="none" gutterwidth="20" columns="1" size="full" ids="6258,6277,6260,6278,6263,6279,6262,6265,6266,6267,6268,6269,6270,6271,6272,6273,6280,6275"]

"I feel so empowered and I STILL cannot wrap my head around the fact that I created and birthed Elliott....the feeling is indescribable to look at your child and see you in them."


5 At 5 | April 2016 Blog Circle


The Type Of Photographs I Want To Make