The Type Of Photographs I Want To Make

Beach-Bay-Area-Family-Photographer-19A few years ago I met Jenna of Jenna Cole Photography through a photographer friend (yes, the photographer circles in the Bay Area feel tiny sometimes!).  It's been about two years since I last saw "other Jenna" and her kids, but getting together for some beach fun and photos was a great change of morning routine for me and Nova.Every time I send photos to a fellow photographer I'm nervous. And every time I've been nervous for no reason! It's amazing to me how everyone has different styles, and can still appreciate the work of others. Jenna Cole creates light, colorful images and shoots a lot of film – something that I have yet to try.Even though some manufacturing issues with my shutter surfaced during this very day (you can see the flare in all the images), I still love the pictures from this venture.I want to make more images like these.So why do these images feel different?There's a relaxed parent, not worrying about what she or the kids will look like in the pictures.The kids are just themselves – laughing and shrieking while roaming back and forth with the waves.Quite simply, it's a heart humming feeling when I get to capture real moments that aren't interrupted for a photograph.
Thank you Jenna Cole Photography for taking this photo of me and Nova!PS: My camera has been sent off to repair, but I have a duplicate one which means no interruptions in my sessions.

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